Sunday, February 19, 2017

Week 4b

Today in class we mentored some students in the lower level class. I think I helped out the 2 students I had, but after a while I ran out of things to talk about or instruct them on. They seemed to have a pretty good grasp on what they were doing, but I also helped them with some shortcuts that they didn't know about. Overall, it was a good experience, although I worry about helping with Photoshop, since I have never had proper training in it and know next to nothing about it.

Otherwise, we just discussed our wireframes. I was told that I am off to a good start. The next step for us is to sketch out some visuals for our main pages of the mobile and desktop sites. This is due next class. I began doing some research on other comic convention websites to see what they had done visually. To my surprise, many of them were very subdued and didn't feature many pop art, or comic book style, elements. I felt that I wanted to really incorporate them, without it looking tacky, of course. This dilemma will definitely be something to think about as I begin my sketches for the graphic design part of this project.

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